
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

short updates..

so so sorry...for not updating..
wanted to update yesterday, but internet was not working..haihz!

okay...firstly..i got over da pants and decided not to buy it..coz after trying on for the third time.. realized dat it isnt DAT nice afterall..plus..240 for a pants is pretty costly..

secondly..my parents r back!!!..they reached yesterday morning.!!..hehe!!
yeap..but they were so tired..din buy alot of things..[they din hav time] but mum bought reli nice pyjamas for me..keke..owh..they took 822 pics..crazy!! haha!!

oooo...we had our carnival on saturday!!
was so tiring..but had so much fun making pearl drinks!!..
haha!! went to petaling street last min wit veev to get summore roses..
ehehe..owh yea..and stayed over in jen's hse on friday to prepare..
had lotsa fun dere too..hehe..
aiya...lazy to tell so detailed la..so..basically..i had lotsa fun ler..but was reli very tired..=P

hm..and today..me din go skool..
why? coz its a waste of time..there wont be teacher for four periods..
and all the other periods are not so important subjects..
so far...studied abit of chem..and did abit of addmath..
gona go on..wit chem i guez..or mayb not..i might just fall asleep..kaka!!

alryte..will try my best to get sum pics here..and will try to update more often!


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