
Sunday, March 27, 2005

good friday..

yeap..yest was good friday..went skool, as usual la..then had cf..and it was erm..dunola..we had a skecth..and we all forgotten our lines..haha..but attd was good..there were almost 40 ppl.. after that, went lunch wit my parents, uncle david n uncle bernard in ss2...and was reli amazed..coz it started raining reli heavily around 330..for those of u who duno, it rains every good friday..and its around dat time..3-330..and its because Jesus died at dat time 2000 yrs ago..and right after he died, it started raining..amazing huh,?

okay..then went church for service, had a great time derre..the pastor was powerfully used by God,..then went yam cha in jelutong wit my sis, ensiang, mayvern, kaemern(dylan-haha), johnson, yuwin n jason..oh wel, satay was good, then haiya..sumthin not so nice happened la.. nvm..lazy to type it out... but i was kinda geram oso..its just kinda like..a conflict between dis few ppl..sort of like a conflict..haih..

today, woke up..went n fetch daph frm skool...tapau chee cheong fun frm o&s for b/fast..haih..parents went to kl...reached home, got a call frm ty..

and yea, she was lepasing geram...tellin me everythin bout da programme book thingy..okay, im not gona start sum story tellin session, basically, im currently stuck in between both of my close frens, and i reli duno wat is the right thing to do n say..hav no idea why am i always put into situations likedet..and after so many experiences, i still duno wat is the best thing to do..

right, sorry if u dun get wat im sayin..haha..

kay, guess i shudnt waste time, gotta finish up all of my homeworkS..
since i hav time now, not gona go out today, *sobZ*, xept goin for dinner, erm..its cawin's surprise party..=P

so, dats bout it..bye..


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