
Thursday, March 10, 2005


argh...geee...i duno wat to say...so frustrated...n worried!
firstly, gona fail for addmath n moral la..can u imagine? failing for moral..crapped so much...duno wat to write oso..all about da country..ahh...and addmath oso..pembezaan la...haih..so hard..

secondly...argh..i duno how to explain la dun think any of u would understand..except for ppl dat i told..so..dun havto bother understandin it ..he's not gettin my msg..im so skedddd...i dun wana go thru wat i went tru last year again..it took me alot of guts to say wat i said..and..he din get my MSG!!!...arghhH!!...or probably he's just avoiding..i duno!!!...and now im like..forced (indirectly) to go out wit him..and i duno how to say no...(note:im terrible at rejecting/ saying no to sumone) and truthfully, im fine being frens wit him, but..he's not gettin my msg!..n i dun wana go out wit him coz im afraid dat he thinks dat...he still has a chance..can sumone tell me wat to do? im..like..stuck...argggggghhhh...it would be reli mean if i told him straight, tho it would be much better n clearer..no..it is da best way..no way he wont get my msg...gee..haih...ohwel..sorry if u dun get it..nvm..dun havto..=P
just releasing my frustrations here..! hehe!!..

hm..alrite..so test is over..how i wish i dun havto get back my results..so freaky...i imagined gettin back my chemistry paper..its..just freaky! it scares me..! alrite..enuff of test..gettin sick of it..

the next batch of NS is starting dis monday..and my cousin, vivien is goin..!! o..n shes gettin her SPM results tomoro!!!...so scaryyyyy!!..gona see my seniors tomm..n gona see those anxious faces...and im gona look likedet next year..!!arrrgghh...again..how i wish i dun havto get back my results..*in my dreams la*

hmhm..okie..duno wat else to say...


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