
Thursday, March 03, 2005

wat a day..

haih..currently, im still feelin abit dizzy..coz of wat happened today in skool..wel, wat happened was..erm..i almost fainted in skool.! hav no idea wat happened...all i know is dat..i couldnt even walk..! but thank God, it was alredi the last period..so..bout 20 mins b4 skool ends..so yea..was feelin so hot and then all of a sudden i felt super cold..so my frens had to like..on and off the fan (i sit right under da fan)..aih..pity them..my vision started gettin blur..and i could barely open my eyes..and i almost vomitted..*thank God i didnt..if not, i'll mess da class..* well..yea then i had to walk..if not, i cant go home..so my frens called my mum..then yeala..sumhow..got to walk to the car..after dat, my mum took me to our family doc..(just nearby my skool)..but then it was lunch time..so doc wasnt in..so had to go around looking for a clinic..but then few of it was closed..then finally, found one wit a doc..so went dere..and doc examined me..and its mainly coz of da gas la..and i hav low blood pressure..so yealor..came home, slept da whole afternoon..abit dissapointed..coz i planned to study da whole afternoon...but oh wel, wat to do..but i still managed to finish one chapter of physics..*takin a break now*..aih..yeap..me not goin skool tomm!!...YEAY!..haha!!..but i havto study lerr.. hm..guess dats bout it..hopefully i'll be well by friday..


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