
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

wow..i slept for bout almost 12hrs..haha..mayb coz i was reeli tired la..
hm..kk..heres wat i did yesterday (sunday)
woke up..went church..pastor david, spoke about missions..truly, i'd love to go for missions trips..but so far, stil havent got da chance yet..plus im stil studying..hardla..but im sure i'll go when i get da chance..=P

nyways, then after church went to seaview*uRghhh* for lunch, ate continental breakfast...for lunch..hahaha!!kinda nice..wel, urm..nicer than m&m's..=P then went ou(my second home)..for cny shopping..but im almost done...so went dere, showed my mum da mickey skirt i wanted, tried it on, and yeala..hehe..bought it for me..(but i guess im gona pay it myself)..then walked around da whole place again,shopping for daph's clothes, coz she still havent buy ANYTHING yet..oh..and i saw quite alot of ppl dere..lemme think..first person i saw was edgar..haha..he's sooo tall..then erm,saw my uncle n his family, elaine,rai and yvonne(outside rock corner)
haha..then erm, tsuyi was dere, but din see her, saw amanda foong and yvonne(another yvonne),tioknee,haqeem,..i think got few more, but cant think now..yeala...so dats it..

then went home, rest awhile,ate teriyaki chic,bathe, then rushed off to church to send ian off in klia..hehe..so went klia with a cant-go-more-than-100km/h-van..haha..reached dere bout 830? dunola..bout dere..then talktalk,take pic wit da star of the day..haha..and yea..he left at about 9..*sobz*..then left da place, haha..journey home was so fun!! we played truth or truth game..haha..so dis is how the game goes, sumone will come up wit a question, then everyone hav to answer it...haha..it was SO funny, when we all shared bout mostly, wat we did when we were young..haha..then lastly, da QUESTION...haha..it was who do u like now? if not, who was ur most recent crush..haha..and yeala..everyone just described la..din say name..haha..but it was a reli nice journey back..haha..

hm..then came home, was watching oprah prime time, drinking jolly shandy, then half way fell asleep..haha...had alot of wierd dreams oso..?-?

hm..guess dats bout my sunday..hehe..and yea..today me gona try to finish ALL of my homeworkS..haha..kk..byee..now i gotta wash my shoes..if not, kena frm cassie..hahaha!!*opss*


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