
Saturday, January 22, 2005

through it all..

you are forever in my life,
you see me thru the seasons,
cover me with me ur hand,
and lead me in ur righteousness,
and i look to u,
and i wait on u,

i'll sing to u Lord
a hymn of love,
for ur faithfullness to me,
i'm carried in everlasting arms,
u'll never let me go,
through it all...

everlasting, Father i love u,
everliving, Savior i love u,


Thank u Lord, for seeing me through 3 weeks of skool..
thot it would be hard, but it isnt as hard as i expected..
i mean..despite havin hw for all da subjects...but at least i hav like..
6 days to do it..haha..
indeed ur grace is sufficient for me..=P

and rite now, finished bm and physics..started abit on history notes..
and yea..i hav..ALOT more to go..so Lord, grant me the strength to finish it..



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