
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

havent been updating..havent been on9 for few days oso!!..
and its all bcoz of the amount of hws i hav...its crazy, its insane!!!
esh..im just taking a break frm doin work...and u noe wat...
my life now is just practically doin hw...its just..so wierd...aih..

and im reli struglling wit chemistry, coz my form 4 which is also my basic
for chem is terrible..i never bothered bout chem last yr, i think its also
partly bcoz of my teacher...hm..nvm its too late to blame anyone now, but also, i am the one dat shud b blamed la..:P
so rite now, im seriously struggling wit chem...specially wit persamaan..i cant even do a simple one...
i feel so stupid...okay..i think i am..hahaha..!!

wel, forget bout skool, ive got enuff...
erm..bout cell, hm..im just surrendering everythin to Him,
whether is Angeline gona stay, or move on,
im sure He has His plans..and its da best..so,

**Lord, hav ur way..if its ur will for Angeline to move on,
then let ur will be done...
and if ever she moves on, i pray dat u'll grant kaemern, the coming up interns n i
strength..to lead da cell...
truly, witout u, we wont be able to do anything..**

OHH..and one thing dat made me so...erm...geram???
i saw sumone *not gona mention name* wearing da mickey skirt dat i bought!!!
i mean..i noe..its not like..nobody else can buy dat skirt...but its da fact dat ive been
clashing bajus wit other ppl..and its wel, kinda embarassing...
is dere such thing as fear of buying clothes?? if yes, wats it called??
coz i think i reli hav dat fear...each time i wana buy a top/pants/skirt
i'll be scared..and worried...
wel, i thot of a way to curb dis fear of mine..and its to buy pasar malam clothes..keke..
i mean...pasar malam's clothes are not too bad..just dat..da material isnt so good..but its kinda stylish..haha...and im sure i wont clash wit ppl..*hopefully*..plus, its CHEAP...hahaa..!!
or another way is to make/decorate my own tops...but too bad, im not creative enuff to do dat..haha..and fabric paint is expensive...:( and i dun hav so much time to actually do dat..
u noe..like..havin piles of hw..how la??

aihs...summore i wana learn ice skatin..how la??i reli wana learn..i mean..as in..take classes...but wel, just gotta pray hard ler..hehehe...

kk..wil update prob few days later..will b bz dis whole week..i guess..:P
gotta makan now..cyaa..byeee..


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