
Sunday, March 20, 2005


haiya..gettin lazy to update everyday..(calvin, ure half right..haha)
anyway..just sum updates..
- vivien is in NS edi..and its almost a week liao..so fast..i reli wonder how is she doin..hopefully shes enjoying herself ler..oh..btw, in case ure wondering, shes my cousin..=P so sad la..she can oni use her hp on sundays..so crappy..haihhh..hehe..oh..n she got straight A's for spm..so keng.. so proud of her...=P
- hm..today is tsu's bday!...happy bday gal!! hope u like dat pressie ler..hehe..vb n i walked da whole ou just to look for a pressie for her..haha..and wierd n funny things happened in radioactive's fitting room..haha!!(nvm, dun havto noe la..dun think anyone wana noe..but its super funny..haha)
- just reminded haih...johnson me..tomm last day of hols..aikkkksss...dun wana go skool on monday..coz gettin chem paper back..*sked giler*..havent finish homeworks..oh..but i was doin bio hw..*feels proud*..kaka..=P hm..kinda miss skool tho..
- cell was pretty okay...din hav harvest, unlike most of da cells..coz..km wasnt around, delaine was packed wit her dance practise..so, yeala..decided to make it after easter ler..=P had 4 visitors, all are chengtung's frens..ehhe..they're pretty frenly and sporting tho, one of them kena forfeit..hehe..and we made him spell his own name wit his butt..keke..and he did it la..very sporting of him..=P
- haih..duno wat else to say..tired n bored..gotta go n do history hw..esh..dat pn.amarjeet ar..thot she wont giv hw..she din even teach..then wana giv hw..haih..summore wasnt in class..keke..*ponteng*..
- owh..and den had a dream dat i'll go for NS!!..and guess where it is? haha..in da ARTIC!!..so farnyY!!haha...
- i guess im fallin sick soon..haih..getting dehidrated..lips are reli dry, and RED...macam ada lipstick..haha! all thx to da weather..haihzz...
- aik..okay..duno wat else to say..hehe..byes!


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