
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

weee...me eatin my lunch now..erm, while typing dis..n guez wat am i eating?? hahaha..im eating 1901 hotdog..if im not mistaken, its texas ted..so yummy lar..haha..

hm..yesterday was kinda tiring, went church[kena pulled in to do attd wit my sis, but of coz, i enjoyed it..]after church, went ou, wit erm..da tan's, da famous fives[minus mingken] n also sarah n lynn..mainly is to celebrate my sis's[daphnie] bday..had lunch in italiannis, n yeap, they[italiannis ppl]celebrated for her..[made her stand on da chair n all]keke..afterdat, was walking around la..n yea, havent buy presie for my sis..hahaah!..owh..but im not such a terrible sis la..haha..den n i belanja-ed her swensen's da day b4 k ...which was, erm..saturday nite.. dat meal costs us rm 70 k..haha..but, we made my dad pay 30bux..haha..so we oni had to pay 20 each..[ so smart rite??] muahaha!!

yeala..lets move on to today..
haha..wel, actually, goin to skool today was a waste of time..seriously..oni erm..2 teachers came in our class..and they came in n din teach at all..so..yea..basically, we din study at all...
but, i had loads of fun la..hahaha..was in da hall after recess till skool ended..why? coz we had sum career talk frm sum ppl frm sunway college...so, yea..we were half listening, half playing around..they[veevien,cassie n eejen] were conteng-ing my left hand n leg..haha..will take sum pics of it later..so guez i'll post it up sum other time..
haih..hehe..had so much fun laughing wit em.. ohh..n i got a cut on my wrist!!..so painful.. and its paper cut...

haih..gotta reli start studying..midterm is coming soon..all da chapters in form 4 is comin out..[im so dead...] sheeshh..time passes so fast ler..summore deres so many things happening in april....next sat, we're having our interact carnival..n my class is selling roses!!![how sweeeet] haha!!..[sumone booked 10 edi..haha..]

kk..guez i better go..gotta go read bible [acts 1-15] for postal quiz..hehe..its dis friday!! n i havent started..and im typing in da dark *again*..yeala..sis sleeping..[neva go college] hehe..k..



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