
Tuesday, April 05, 2005


sorry for not updating..hehe..kinda bz..n kinda lazy oso..=P
hm, nyways, just a lil update on my weekend..
friday - we had cell harvest..but hehe..it wasnt reli like harvest, we oni had 2 visitors..dunola..but then almost all our cell members came la.hehe..good oso..
but, a good news, both our visitors wld like to join us..PTL!..it was fun tho, playin da "NO,KNOW" game..haha..

saturday - had gathering, a joint gathering organized by my skool's guides n rangers...it was pretty okay, i had fun tho, vb did a gr8 job! guez da best performance was d'starz ler(my skool's cheerleadin team)..and erm, din play any games..but was bumming around most of da time..hehe..=P stayed in skool till erm, almost 2 oclock i think..ooh..n i helped(abit la..) them to bring down da gadget..hehe, my first n last time, how memorable!..haha..then went back to vb's hse, huimin drove us home..hanged dere for a while..then left for mcd's..

sunday - woke up late for church..hehe..so was late for church..had communion..and pastor vincent preached today..the title was 10 habits for a happy and successful life..basically its base on da 10 commandments lor, it was pretty okay, cld understand n din get bored la..hehehe! erm, then had lunch in seaview..together wit uncle daniel n family..left for ou after lunch, met up wit vb n faiz in burger king..hehe..then awhile later, aqel, tsuyi n adrian joined us..then decided to go italiannis for lunch, but i din eat,was sO full..=P owh, then amy n her bro joined us in italiannis..as usual, laughing was our main activity..=P, after lunch, we went n take sticker pixxs!! hehe..spent so much time just choosing which machine to take..hahaha!!owel, then walked around for awhile, n i had to go off edi..(parents leaving edi..) so yea..

as for today, erm..din reli study..had photo session..so almost half the class is out..

ooo..parents will be goin shanghai on 16th april..how nice..witout us..*sobz*..haha...they're goin wit like..20 other ppl - mostly are the hymnsmen, and both my grandmas are goin s well... they r gona hav so much fun, while we havto go skoooool!..aiseh..nvmla..im gona get ready my list of things dat i want them to buy..muahahaha!..

owh yea, will update sum pics later..pics of cell, pics frm skool..n mayb sum random pics..=P

kayz, gotta get ready for dinner..


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