i never knew...
i never knew...
how blessed am i..
until last sunday morning...
this happened when we were on the way to church...
as we were heading towards the federal highway, i looked out the window, and i saw, a family of five, in a motocycle...the father, mother and three children, age ranging bout 3-6 yrs old..sitting in between the parents are i assume the two younger child, whereas the older one was infront of the father, and there at the back, the mother was trying hard to make sure of her children's safety by holding them wit one of her arm, and on the other hand, she had to hold on to a big black bag[wit things in there la..] and there, i was seated comfortably on a leathered seated and airconditioned car..lookin out at them..
i almost broke into tears..coz i finally realised dat i never reli appreciated things / ppl around me..and most importantly, i never realised how blessed i was, how fortunate i am..
dis is not sumthin to b proud of,
but sumthin to be grateful for,
sumthing to be thankful for,
sumthing to be appreciated
and never to b taken for granted!
i also never knew / experienced...
the outcome of putting God first in everythin i do...
until sunday also...
ive been complaining recently, bout the progress in cell, how uncooperative my members r, how they would not concentrate, and all..
and i finally realised, dat its not them to b blamed also, i realised dat, its bcoz ive not been spending enuff time wit God, hav not been putting him first in all dat i do, [not dat God is such a heartless God dat he wana punish me or sumthin, but i guez is coz He wants me to learn to alwiz put Him first..] and im reli thankful for dis..
started to reli spend time with God last week, i tried waking up earlier to start my day off talking to God n all.. and seriously, last fri's cell was i wld say one of the best,..[eventho they still got pretty bored durin word,] haha..but i still count it good..considering dat they managed to knoe each other better..and last sunday, four of my cell members rededicated their lives, and i was so so happy..[nothing to b proud of, all glory to Jesus..] =P
so, yea..reli..thankful..hehe..duno wat else to say..
basically, had a very nice weekend..
-things dat i was worrying about is now settled...
-went shopping, yea, i wld say TOO much of shopping..hahaha...
-managed to buy a new pair of pants..[hav been searching for one for quite sum time..] haih, but gotta pay myself, hehe..
- then the good news durin service..
- then den came back frm langkawi safely!! and she bought SUMMORE loacker!!
- and i got to get over my little addiction to neopets!! hahahaha!!
- managed to answer sum chemistry ques..[calculation ones!!]
ohoh, we [ mum, sisters n me] are not allowed to go one utama for one month..!! my dad dun let us go!! hahahaha..coz we've been goin too much, dat he's sick of it edi!! hahahaa..can u imagine dat?? [pity him also, we go shopping, he has to like..wait for us..too bad he dunhav a son..haha.. if not then he can go shop for guys stuff, or mayb go play pool..hahaha..but he is sort of havin a son la..[ensiang] hahaha!!okok..guez i crapped too much..hahaha..
[hou happy arr!!]-very happy- =P
how blessed am i..
until last sunday morning...
this happened when we were on the way to church...
as we were heading towards the federal highway, i looked out the window, and i saw, a family of five, in a motocycle...the father, mother and three children, age ranging bout 3-6 yrs old..sitting in between the parents are i assume the two younger child, whereas the older one was infront of the father, and there at the back, the mother was trying hard to make sure of her children's safety by holding them wit one of her arm, and on the other hand, she had to hold on to a big black bag[wit things in there la..] and there, i was seated comfortably on a leathered seated and airconditioned car..lookin out at them..
i almost broke into tears..coz i finally realised dat i never reli appreciated things / ppl around me..and most importantly, i never realised how blessed i was, how fortunate i am..
dis is not sumthin to b proud of,
but sumthin to be grateful for,
sumthing to be thankful for,
sumthing to be appreciated
and never to b taken for granted!
i also never knew / experienced...
the outcome of putting God first in everythin i do...
until sunday also...
ive been complaining recently, bout the progress in cell, how uncooperative my members r, how they would not concentrate, and all..
and i finally realised, dat its not them to b blamed also, i realised dat, its bcoz ive not been spending enuff time wit God, hav not been putting him first in all dat i do, [not dat God is such a heartless God dat he wana punish me or sumthin, but i guez is coz He wants me to learn to alwiz put Him first..] and im reli thankful for dis..
started to reli spend time with God last week, i tried waking up earlier to start my day off talking to God n all.. and seriously, last fri's cell was i wld say one of the best,..[eventho they still got pretty bored durin word,] haha..but i still count it good..considering dat they managed to knoe each other better..and last sunday, four of my cell members rededicated their lives, and i was so so happy..[nothing to b proud of, all glory to Jesus..] =P
so, yea..reli..thankful..hehe..duno wat else to say..
basically, had a very nice weekend..
-things dat i was worrying about is now settled...
-went shopping, yea, i wld say TOO much of shopping..hahaha...
-managed to buy a new pair of pants..[hav been searching for one for quite sum time..] haih, but gotta pay myself, hehe..
- then the good news durin service..
- then den came back frm langkawi safely!! and she bought SUMMORE loacker!!
- and i got to get over my little addiction to neopets!! hahahaha!!
- managed to answer sum chemistry ques..[calculation ones!!]
ohoh, we [ mum, sisters n me] are not allowed to go one utama for one month..!! my dad dun let us go!! hahahaha..coz we've been goin too much, dat he's sick of it edi!! hahahaa..can u imagine dat?? [pity him also, we go shopping, he has to like..wait for us..too bad he dunhav a son..haha.. if not then he can go shop for guys stuff, or mayb go play pool..hahaha..but he is sort of havin a son la..[ensiang] hahaha!!okok..guez i crapped too much..hahaha..
[hou happy arr!!]-very happy- =P
At 6:51 PM,
Inoku said…
heys ^^
just saying that i had good time reading this post =P
(glad to hear about everything lah)
and you know.. I'VE STILL NOT BEEN
cyAz !
At 7:17 PM,
the.spaz said…
hey, haha..thx..!
go la!! a very nice place for shopping, but..er..all the stuff there kinda expensive la!..hehe..
specially the highstreet part
[all the designer brands]..
but shud at least go n walk around!
ehehhe! =P
At 2:05 AM,
Inoku said…
someday.. someday.. i WILL go there =P
(now studying for my undang-undang..
in english !! ^^"" (my bm totally
so once i can drive... i'm goin to 1U..! (once i'm confident and experianced as well lah ! =P
byEz !! *go and do your add maths ! :P
At 2:33 PM,
the.spaz said…
haha..yesyes, gogo!
ooo..when will u b sitting for it then? hehe..so kewl, learning undang in english! haha!!
its so fun, seeing all my frens learn to drive..haha, then soon, i'll hav plenty of drivers!! hahaha..
-go n study ur undang oso! hehe!=P
At 12:49 PM,
Inoku said…
i duno wen i'll be sitting it... cause the date is set by jpj.. and i won't know until 2 days before...
anyways i've my english undang seminar on the 24th sunday morning.. so the test should only be around 2 weeks after that... :D
u leh ? when are YOU going to drive ? =P
(am studying lah ^^ cyAz !
At 3:32 PM,
the.spaz said…
owh, okok..
erm, me ar..haha..plannin to take it after spm, coz will b havin trials during my bday, so..yala..easier if i take it next yr..
kinda sked to drive tho, coz im like..so blur..haha..think my parents wld b reli worried when i drive!! hehe!! =P
At 11:36 PM,
Jen said…
-love, me- hehehe..
At 11:41 PM,
the.spaz said…
to jen :]
yaya, luv u! u luv me too ya? =]
btw, how r u takin the lkw thing?
hahahahahhahahha!! dun b too upset ya? hahaha!!
veevee is such a joker la! =]
cya gurl!
At 6:49 PM,
Vee said…
what, what are you talking about?
yeah jen, i heard about lkw, how are you taking it?
don't worry, i'm sure he's not really homosexual, not like someone's darling i could mention. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.
(Two people are going to murder me tomorrow.)
At 9:18 PM,
the.spaz said…
to veevien!
wateva la tan v^2!!!
say wateva u want..hahahaha!!
ahhahahahaha!! ShesHS!!
so gona kill u on monday!! =]
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