a mother's love..
today for pj class, cik foo showed us a video of a lady giving birth!!..ohmy...
it was SO gross..but dats not the point..the point is,i cld literally feel the pain man!! and it was SO painful..she was in so much pain!! [thk goodness the sound wasnt on] but even without the sound, its bad enuff..
veev and i was like holding each other so tightly...so freaky..seriously..imagine..we're just watchin a video..and it alredi feels so painful..wat more reli giving birth??
i almost cried..wel, partly coz of da 'pain' dat i feel..haha..and also i was so touched dat my mum, and all the other mothers actually went tru dis...just to bring us to dis world..
seriously..to da ppl reading dis, appreciate ur mum..!! she went tru so much pain so dat u cld b here..and alwaysalways honour her..[of coz, ur dad too..]
then later after skool, i told my mum bout it..and she said dat da pain is worth it all when u see ur baby...*aww* [i cld see the joy in da lady when her baby was delivered]..it so sweet...look how much ur mum loves u..*winkz*
then she was telling me wat happened when she was giving birth to den, my eldest sis..
she had a difficult time wit my sis, mayb coz first child..so..half way in da labour room, she was telling my dad dat she wants to go home!! hahaha!! so funny..!
haihh,...so sweet la..and nuthin can ever replace a mother's love..its..so special.. *feels guilty coz din do much for my mum durin mother's day* ahhaha..
but im not sayin dat our dads r not important..they r equally important..!=Phehe..
seriously, i dun feel like giving birth next time..Ahahahha..but, its indeed a gr8 experience.. my mum said dat its better if u can give birth naturally, its unless u cant..then oni go for cesarean..[however its spelt] mm..and God promised dat the pain of child bearing is bearable..!..=P
hm..okay, gotta go on wit history..hehe..im actually half way studying now..heehe..i hav been wasting alot of time..wasted my whole weekend..din do any hw..nor did i study..so crappy lar!..
owh, its so weird..my blog's counter went missing..duno sesat mana...and im too lazy to go n put another one in..haha..
it was SO gross..but dats not the point..the point is,i cld literally feel the pain man!! and it was SO painful..she was in so much pain!! [thk goodness the sound wasnt on] but even without the sound, its bad enuff..
veev and i was like holding each other so tightly...so freaky..seriously..imagine..we're just watchin a video..and it alredi feels so painful..wat more reli giving birth??
i almost cried..wel, partly coz of da 'pain' dat i feel..haha..and also i was so touched dat my mum, and all the other mothers actually went tru dis...just to bring us to dis world..
seriously..to da ppl reading dis, appreciate ur mum..!! she went tru so much pain so dat u cld b here..and alwaysalways honour her..[of coz, ur dad too..]
then later after skool, i told my mum bout it..and she said dat da pain is worth it all when u see ur baby...*aww* [i cld see the joy in da lady when her baby was delivered]..it so sweet...look how much ur mum loves u..*winkz*
then she was telling me wat happened when she was giving birth to den, my eldest sis..
she had a difficult time wit my sis, mayb coz first child..so..half way in da labour room, she was telling my dad dat she wants to go home!! hahaha!! so funny..!
haihh,...so sweet la..and nuthin can ever replace a mother's love..its..so special.. *feels guilty coz din do much for my mum durin mother's day* ahhaha..
but im not sayin dat our dads r not important..they r equally important..!=Phehe..
seriously, i dun feel like giving birth next time..Ahahahha..but, its indeed a gr8 experience.. my mum said dat its better if u can give birth naturally, its unless u cant..then oni go for cesarean..[however its spelt] mm..and God promised dat the pain of child bearing is bearable..!..=P
hm..okay, gotta go on wit history..hehe..im actually half way studying now..heehe..i hav been wasting alot of time..wasted my whole weekend..din do any hw..nor did i study..so crappy lar!..
owh, its so weird..my blog's counter went missing..duno sesat mana...and im too lazy to go n put another one in..haha..
At 3:35 PM,
Vee said…
When I think about it...I STILL FEEL LIKE SCREAMING!!
At 7:26 PM,
Kronk said…
haiya .. now in the modern days we have this thing called something i also dunno .. helps u to get rid of the pain .. like drug .. so u would eventually be smiling and laughing while giving birth? wahahha
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