
Tuesday, July 05, 2005


hm..just suddenly felt like posting sumthin bout iguanas..hahaha!! wel, for sum of u, those u duno..i like iguanas..reli..i think they r so cute..aahaha..[weird rite..?] in fact, i like reptiles..even snakes..ahaha..but i especially like iguana..want to hav one..but parents dun let..but i understand also..im stayin in a condo..and its reli hard to hav one tho..haihz..haha..but ive always wanted to hav one on my shoulder and walk around wit it..so kewl..[ok, mayb sum of u r alredi eww-ing now..haha..] wat i like most bout them is the fact dat they like to stone..and they look so cute when they r stoning..hahha..i hav so much fun lookin at them..stone! haha..once i went pets wonderland in ou..and i spent quite sum time lookin at them stone in the cage..ahaha...
so jelez of tongvern..he use to hav an iguana..and now he has a reli kewl orange-spotted lizard i tink..hahaha!!

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[so CUTEE!! poser giler..haha..]

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[ahahaha..so sweeeet..]

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[so greeenn...]

haha..aight..dats it..
i reli like the first and second pic..
haha..so cuteee..hm..okok..sum of u must b thinking im sum weirdo..
coz i think iguanas are cute..aahhaha..=P


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