
Saturday, July 09, 2005


hm, starting to get pretty stressed up..wel, hav a few things dat im juggling wit now, and..haihz, dun seem to b doin it well...

mainly is spm, its in less than 20 weeks time..and im still so lost in my CHEMISTRY!! seriously, i dunt noe even the very basic things in chem..like the ions n all..esh..i mean, now i noe edi la..haha..after much teachin frm wenfei n vv, ahaha..oh, and im so happy, i noe how to calculate..er..for termokimia..hahahhaha!! all thx to wenfei..!and i finally noe how to calculate mol..hehehe..[i shud noe all this in form 4] haihz, haha..

and recently erm, things hav not been goin very well,not like how it used to, deres been sum complications erm..yea..nvm..kinda personal, cant disclose it here..=P but haihz, kinda worried, but yet im trusting in God dat things will turn out fine..i noe it will, but still sumhow kinda worried,..

duno why, but recently i feel like alot of things hav been happening to the ppl around me n myself also..its just weird..wel, its erm..things dat are good, and also things dat are bad..and its like..everyone seem to b goin tru sumthin..for me, theres both good n bad stuff happening now..dere will be times when i get so overjoyed!*winkz* and then all of a sudden sumting will happen and it wld make me miserable..so weird la..esh..=P haihz, nvm if u dun get me..hehe.=P

...oh, starting chemistry tuition tomm..ehhe..forgot to mention dat we got the teacher to teach us chem,..and reli thank God dat we r all free on saturday morning.. hehe..at first we were planning to hav it on wednesday, but now i tink saturday will be better.. hopefully i can understand wat he teaches, since my basic is er..so terrible..? hehe..now we hav farah n i tink johnson is joining us too..! so theres erm..5 of us!..ehhe..=P

..ohoh, haha..and ive started to play neopets..thx to daph!! haha..but so happie, coz veevien n chiaern decided to help me get neopoints..and in erm..2 days i tink, they got me like close to 50+ k..hahaha..so kewl!! but now dat i hav so much nps, i duno wat to do wit it, i feel bad for spending them, coz its like..they got it for me..and..haha..dunola..but dun tink i will reli play it la, as in..mayb once in a while, gotta study lar!..eheh..[wrong time to b playing games]

..oh..haha..and today is the day when the form 5 prefects step down, so which means, frm monday onwards, there wont b anymore prefects in form 5! haha..wel, which means, we can..ahhahah..we can makan!! hahha..*ooppz* wel, im sure all of them wld miss becoming a prefect..hehe..and im sure we'll miss havin prefects around us..*winkz*

hm, okok..guez dis is too much..haha..seems like im writing and essay..hhha..

alrite, dats it lar..byebye! =P


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