
Thursday, August 04, 2005


its august alredy!!!! ohmy..time flies..dis is so scarrry..haha..+.+

hm..wel, many things hav been happening lately..i wld say mainly things dat r not so good..=/

*cell* kaemern n delaine wont b around dis week for cell..and my trials is one more month.. how am i gona cope?? and then km wont b around for the next two weeks as well!..then nick will b leaving for mongolia next monday..='/='/

*cf* sum stuff came up, and yea..er..nvm..cant reli tok bout it..hard to explain..but ya, worrying bout sumthin for the upcoming committee..="/as in, its reli serious..all we can do right now is to commit it to God..for there is nothin we can do..

*trials* in september..how sad..[for those who duno, my bday is in sept] hehe..*hint*hint* so its like..wont b able to enjoy my birth month..HAHA..haihz, but i dun care, im gona relax da whole day on my bday!..*ngekz* haha..

okayla, so far..its dis 3 things bothering me..but..will try to get over it soon.. it may not sound so stressing n all..but, er..it is quite..

hm..then..watelse..Oh...my auntie gave birth!!!! er..last week..hehe..so excited!!..da baby is So cuTE..[but, all babies are cute..hahha..] will post sum pics..when i get the time lar..
oo..and guez wat..? i drank breast milk! =P its so cooooooll..hahahaha...er..just to make things clear, i drank it frm a cup!..i hav ppl askin me how i drank it..so..yea..-.- hehe..but erm..its kinda tasteless...haha...

owh, and i went ou on..er..monday? i tink..yea..and i went in guess..for FUN..coz i noe i wont get anything frm there[expensive gila..]..hahaha...then rite..i saw dis bag and i reli reli reli reli like it..but its like..rm230!!!...=O so..ya..dat is waaaayyy tooo expensive for a bag.. but..i reli like it..haha..and then my mum was like.."buy for u for ur bday lar...but at first i thot of gettin u a watch..since u dun hav one.." so...which shud i choose? a bag? or a watch? but..i still think 200 over for a bag is reli too much..haihz..dunolar..AHhaha..

hm..okay..wana get sum sleep..got tuition later..=] cya..


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