
Tuesday, May 17, 2005


juz woke up frm a..erm...i tink 20 mins nap..
haihz..got a call frm adrian..yea..he woke me up..esh..haha
owel...he always calls ppl at da wrong time..so, used to it la..haha..anyway..did alil bit of catchin up wit him..and his bro is gona be one yr old soon!!...dats fast..haha..
okay, sat for est paper one, and chem paper one today..yeay..no more chem paper!!..haha!! done wit all three!!...
hav addmaths and bm 2 tomm..esh..fell asleep while studying sastera..haha!!..
hm..wanted to say sumthin..but i forgot..aihz
aww..just recieved a reli sweet testi in frenster frm venbee...hehe..so sweet of her..=p

anyway...ooyea..wanted to say..i wasted my weekend..[not dat im da only one,but still..cld hav used da time i had to do sumthin more productive..]
kay..friday, went squash in bb after skool...yeap..ok, wait..i count dat sumthin productive..so not much of wasting my time la..haha..*duno wat im tokkin bout*
okay. moving on..saturday..had da whole day free..but i din study..guez wat i did?? i was watching the OC..haha..my sis d/led..and yea..as usual..watched one episode, havto continue watchin it.. its so nice!!..erm..da main character kinda cute too..haha..owel, still hav plenty of episodes to go..keke..
yeap..then on sunday, went church..oo..dis hawaiian pastor came..pretyy cool, he did sumthin diff..not any usual sunday service..hehe..
yeap..then din go out nywhere..was at home whole day..but din study..why?? haha..coz i went swimming!!..keke..i mean..we gotta use da facilities in my condo..if not then why is my dad paying maintainance fee every month for?? haha..*excuses* okay..yea...
came home, tired, slept!...hahaha...yeap..whole afternoon gone..
wel, thot i cld study at nite..but woke up..and mum said dat we're goin for dinner..mothers day dinner..so went back to my old hse..which now belongs to my aunt..yea..so..makanmakan...
toktok wit my cousins...

ooo..and yea..my cousin vivien came back frm NS...so fast eh..haha..actually she hasnt completed it..juz dat she is considered done coz she might b goin to form 6...yea..
she wuz telling me stories bout NS..and..gee..i so dun wana go!!...
its da part about insects dere dat scares me...they hav huge spiders, ants everywhere..beetles...
and da list goes on..and they hav reli silly classes..where u hav to draw and colour...aihz..
a total waste of time la..*praying reli hard dat i wont get..*
but if i get, guez i shud take it positively..and..take it as an experience..*easy to say laa...haha*

okay..guez dats enuff for today..wana watch ah wong/ lou poh chai/square pegs..
haha..dis chinese show la..very ncie wan..haha..
watched it b4 in astro..and now its showing in...erm..tv2 i tink..wateva la..cant b bothered wit which channel..haha!!i dun mind watchin it for the third time tho..haha..okok..

dats it..cya!!!..takecare!!byeee!!tu-ra[copy da art attack guy] haha!!


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