tanggal tiga puluh satu, bulan lapan [ogos,HAHAHAHHA-only jean gets dis] lima puluh tujuh..!!!
- - keranamu malaysia!!!!- -
haha..nah,im not DAT patriotic..just..kinda semangated coz of today's celebration..
hmmm..its been along time..haha..aihz, internet down, modem rosakk...:'(
hmmm..hmm...nuthin much happened..hav been studying..[aihzzz!]trials is..in 6 days time..and we havto start wit bio paper..esh!
owhkay, heres sum updates..[wana post pics,but..cant ler..not home nw..]
we hav 2 new members in our family..haha..got 2 reli cute guinea pigs..they r SO adorable!!..but reli notti..haha..n they EAT SO much..aihs..haha!..so comel lar!=P
okay,my bills[for my fone]dis month will b so expensive..i dun dare to imagine.. why? wel,one coz ive been sms-ing quite alot..but dats still nt so bad..ive been using gprs..to like..go online wit my fone..and..i din noe i gotta pay for dat..its like..almost everynite on my bed,b4 i sleep,i wld like..just go n ook for games to d/l..hahaha..and i seriously din noe dat i havto pay for dat..until one day when i told my family bout it..then den was like.."wat??u gotta pay for it!!" haha.. and then my dad found out dat its 10cents per 10bytes of info i d/l or sumthin.. which is reeeli expensive..aihss..im so dead laaa!! and my dad was like.."nuthing is free,except the air dat u breathe!" haha..aihs..just pray dat it wont be DATexpensive..
hm, my one week holiday..was okay only..had 2 days of extra class for moral and addmath..nuthin much ler..aihz!..
-today in skool..-
haha..din wana go skool today, but like..i had to go..haha..but had a gr8 time laughing wit jen n vee on our way to the office..hahaha..we were trying to act 'cool', by walking in a 'cool'way..haha..and vee said dat the way i walk made me look like a cockroach..! hahaha!!and we tried snapping our fingers coz it seems 'cool'..haha..but we both cant reli do it..haha..and then had sum merdeka celebration..haha..tsu,jean n i went high..no,i tink everyone in the hall was pretty high..haha..hm,overall, was a goodday..
alrite..i better go ler..wana tok summore..but..gues i shud b studying now..hehe..cyaz!
-the cockroach wannabe-(*.*)
- - keranamu malaysia!!!!- -
haha..nah,im not DAT patriotic..just..kinda semangated coz of today's celebration..
hmmm..its been along time..haha..aihz, internet down, modem rosakk...:'(
hmmm..hmm...nuthin much happened..hav been studying..[aihzzz!]trials is..in 6 days time..and we havto start wit bio paper..esh!
owhkay, heres sum updates..[wana post pics,but..cant ler..not home nw..]
we hav 2 new members in our family..haha..got 2 reli cute guinea pigs..they r SO adorable!!..but reli notti..haha..n they EAT SO much..aihs..haha!..so comel lar!=P
okay,my bills[for my fone]dis month will b so expensive..i dun dare to imagine.. why? wel,one coz ive been sms-ing quite alot..but dats still nt so bad..ive been using gprs..to like..go online wit my fone..and..i din noe i gotta pay for dat..its like..almost everynite on my bed,b4 i sleep,i wld like..just go n ook for games to d/l..hahaha..and i seriously din noe dat i havto pay for dat..until one day when i told my family bout it..then den was like.."wat??u gotta pay for it!!" haha.. and then my dad found out dat its 10cents per 10bytes of info i d/l or sumthin.. which is reeeli expensive..aihss..im so dead laaa!! and my dad was like.."nuthing is free,except the air dat u breathe!" haha..aihs..just pray dat it wont be DATexpensive..
hm, my one week holiday..was okay only..had 2 days of extra class for moral and addmath..nuthin much ler..aihz!..
-today in skool..-
haha..din wana go skool today, but like..i had to go..haha..but had a gr8 time laughing wit jen n vee on our way to the office..hahaha..we were trying to act 'cool', by walking in a 'cool'way..haha..and vee said dat the way i walk made me look like a cockroach..! hahaha!!and we tried snapping our fingers coz it seems 'cool'..haha..but we both cant reli do it..haha..and then had sum merdeka celebration..haha..tsu,jean n i went high..no,i tink everyone in the hall was pretty high..haha..hm,overall, was a goodday..
alrite..i better go ler..wana tok summore..but..gues i shud b studying now..hehe..cyaz!
-the cockroach wannabe-(*.*)
At 9:00 PM,
Inoku said…
my goodness.. thats a lot of spam..!! and they're all 'registered' users?!..
anyways.. Hi ! =P
how is preparation for SPM coming along? *or best i not ask?* ^^"
am just browsing around.. byEz !
At 1:56 PM,
the.spaz said…
ya..so weird ar..hehe.. but it wont like..cause anythin rite?
haha, em, its ok i gues..but im not very prepared for trials ler..
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