
Sunday, August 14, 2005

no cell.dress.pic-taking-till-3am.rain

okie..had a nice weekend..hahaha...

din hav cell dis week..due to the haze..but like..i din study much also, thot i cld..but ended up on the fone..for erm..almost 3 hrs..erm..dats for 2 calls la..ahah...gee..but anyhow, got to do alil catchin up n all..so its gud also..=P*at least i wld not feel so guilty* ahaha!

kay, n bout the dress..i bought a dress!!! er..for my cousin's wedding..keke..and its chEaP!! rm89..kekez..bought it frm the curve..i tink the curve+ikea+ikano is gona b my 3rd home, after ou..haha..went there i tink twice a week..oh..n guez wat..the guard in the ACE hardware shop in ikano actually recognised me! i was so surprised! haha..coz like, to go in the shop, we gotta put our bags in the locker..so yea..
the guard : i thot i saw u yesterday?
me : haha..er..no it was a few days ago..
the guard : oh, yeayea..few days ago..=P

hahahaha..weird rite..like..of all ppl..the guard..reli never expect dat..

hm, ok..picture taking till 3am..
suevern n lynn came over last nite..and we all got cranky..and started taking pics..A LOT of pics..till 3am..hahaha..had a blast wit them la..but it was a nitemare to sleep wit lynn..hahaahha.. shes freaky.. reli..she wld just turn her face to mine, and like..come real close..haha!! [no offense lynn,but u noe wat imean..] haha..slept prob around 3+..aihz..hehe..supposed to wake up at 8.. but we woke up an hr later..and dats y we were late for church..=O hehe..
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haha..i so like dis pic..
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guess who? haha..its kinda obvious lar..
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posing wit..umbrellas? haha..
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-weird hairstyles..-
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and..it RAINED...wkekeke..so so nice to sleep..and dats y i slept for 3 hrs plus just now..haha..
before it rained, i was in mont kiara's flea market..reli thank God that we got in the car in time.. coz like..once we got in the car, it started pouring..coz like.my dad dropped us there, n he went for his singing class..in hartamas..ehehe..[he's proud of his voice..kkeke..so r we..]-daddy, if u read dis..haha..see see..i am proud of u-*winks*

-wheres dat bag???-
aih, went ou..*again* on sat i tink..haha..or was it fri? hm..nvm..and i went into guess? to just..hav a look at dat bag..and..arrrggh...i cldnt find it..they oni hav the bigger one..geee...aih.. hahaha..dun dare to ask the ppl oso la..not like im gona buy it..just wana look..coz like..if i ask..it shows dat i alredi noe bout the bag..and it sounds like i wana buy it rite..so..yaler..*sadness* *sobsss*


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