
Thursday, August 11, 2005

new num...=P

yeap, changed my num.. frm 016-6726791 to 016-6262809 *notice the special num?* hahaha... nvm if u din..*sobz* hm..now im no more using prepaid..keke..which means..i will never run out of credit! muahahaha...*evil grin* but..aihz, i gues its harder la..sked i use over limit..hopefully i noe how to control..ahahha...gosh, but u noe wat..i used up my rm30 credit in about a week..! it suppose to last for..a month! dad almost scolded me..keke..

aihz, duno wat to say..need to study..

owel, glad daph got to get over it..aihz, there r many fishes in the sea..and..why waste time waiting for a fish dat u noe it wld not swim to u? *dis applys to me alil too..keke*

aihz, ok..i seriously duno wat to say..

kayla..wana go do sum revision..hm..wat shud i revise ar? bio? history? or addm3? argh..

i wana go for a holiday now...haha..ok..nvm..forget bout dat..+.+

kayla..bye..takecare ppl..n drink more water!..haha!..=P


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