
Tuesday, September 13, 2005


okay, one more week..and trials/gerak gempur will b over..thank goodness g.g finished today!.. so so sick of the fact that everyone noes wat is coming out!..yes,i admit..i knew too..but not intentionally..haha..its like..almost everyone noes..and like..they noe exactly which ques is wat n all..aih..gosh..dun see a point sitting for it also..!anyway,its over edi..

aneeways,im sick *again* sore throat n flu..esh..was sneezing durin my moral paper.. haha.. and i din hav tissue, argh,so irritating!..haha..

owh..and..aih..both my guinea pigs died..one just died today..[its still in the cage,waiting for my dad to come home..and..clear it..]*sobZ*.. duno why oso..gues they were sick..and we din noe.argh..but anyway,mum cldnt take them..coz they stink.. and they make the hse stink too..[they're in the hall]..aih,miss them...they look so adorable when they bathe..aih..hehe..

was reeeeli mad yesterday..at dis certain sumone..cant bliff theres sumone likedat lor.. its.. just.. unbelievable! argh!..just so..irritated..eventho he din do much to me..but theres just sumthin la..hard to say it here..dun wana mention it too..yea,din hav mood to study at all yest..din study much..just read tru moral n physics..haha..anyhow,glad dat im not dat mad at dat person.. wel, went over to my grandma's place just nw,n she was like.."in all things, remember to thank God, be it good or bad..coz its all part of God's plan.." so like..prob him appearing in our lives are part of God's plan to test our patience..

aneeway,dun tink i'll b updating so soon le..haha..but mayb i wld after trials la..hehe..

cant wait for spm to b over!..haha..plans plans..to go out..right after spm [dec 2].. haha..go venb's place n change..AHHA..macam hotel!!owell, just cant wait..!! weee!!..

aiks,hav bm2 n bi2 tomm..sastera is so sickening..at least literature is nt dat bad..owh, but konserto terakhir is reli gud..so sweeeet..but sad oso le..hehe..

oo..noe wat?im crappin So much!..hahahahah...kk..gtg..gotta go make a call!..


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