
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

interesting sights in a day..=]

i saw 3 interesting sights today..

the first one, saw it in parent's office..
was studying..then suddenly i saw dis insect..dat has like a sharp butt [haha] on the table, so i took a closer look n it turned out to be an ant carrying a piece of rubber dust. its SO SO cute..ok,yes,im scared of ants but its just when its on me, or its like..a whole lot of em..other than dat, i'm fine..so yeah..i find it so cute. but was thinking, why did it actually take a rubber dust? i mean, its not even sweet rite? =] haha! tried takin a pic of it, but..em,its too small..haha..

the second one was when i was walking in a restaurant for dinner, i saw a half dead pigeon in the middle of the road. and like..it was still breathing, but cant move..and there were feathers around it..and also a small patch of red coloured em, i reli duno if its blood.. but yeah.. and coz we went wit two diff cars, so dad arrived there later, and he almost went over it!! =O hehe..and then i started imagining wat if suddenly a truck comes n crush it infront of me. omgosh..dat wld be urgh..nightmare..! but was also wondering wat happened to it and how it ended up there..?hm.. ?.?

then then, in the restaurant, as i sat down, i suddenly saw a spider at dis corner of an abandoned hawker stall..and like,nobody wld actually bother lookin at it, but i sumhow spotted dat spider. n turns out, its not any ordinary house spiders, but dis is like a black widow look alike.it has white stripes on its legs..n as i watched it, it was actually making its web.! okay, again, i AM afraid of spiders, but like..coz its behind a glass,so im not afraid to look at it..haha.. and i tink the ppl there must b thinking im sum fool staring into an abandoned hawker stall. hahaha..coz i doubt they noe theres a spider there. hahaha.. [hm,mayb seeing a spider is not so interesting to others, coz it wasnt to my family..haha, but i mean, i was so interested coz its not any ordinary spider! ]

kk..yeah..mayb its not dat interesting to sum, but.it is to me..! hehehe..!

oh..n i sumhow hav dis talent in spotting insects, even the smallest n in places dat nobody wld spot..its weird tho, not dat i purposely look out for it, but i sumhow can spot them..so daph suggested dat i shud be a pest controller..hahahaha!! hm, mayb i'll think about it eh? hahahaha!! =S

aih, if u notice, my posts are suddenly so uncolourful..its bcoz im using my dad's laptop [the pc died], and duno why, i cant seem to insert colours in..so,yeah..*sobz* n dis laptop dun hav msn..=[ cant d/l msn..its too slow i suppose..esh..=]

okay, spm is 4 more days..*gasp* not prepared lar..hahaha..and yeah, im still here blogging, im sure all my other frens are flooding themselves wit facts n formulas etc..
and i am here, nicely telling bout my 'interesting' sights. hahaha! and im gona watch the 9.30 show later,kan cheong lar..hahaha! 0=]


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