
Monday, November 07, 2005

after spm..

things i wana do after spm

1) do a cross stich, duno y, suddenly had the urge to do it. haha..its been a long time since i did one, i tink the last time was back in form 1. =] [vee,y dun u join me? then u can do one COMPLETE one for ernie. hahahah] =P

2) watch alot alot of movies. hahaha..wateva movies la..=]

3) go out!! n..lepak! HAHA..

4) ohh..our plan.. go to vee's hse, watch movie, do manicure n pedicure, do facial. n reli hav a girls night out! haha..

5) work. hm..i feel like working in diff places. heres a few - in a restaurant, in a kindergarten,in a drink place ie. the juice stalls,or like..*bux,.hm..yeah hehe

6)take ice skating class. its been in my head since..form 3? ahaha.. *hope mum wld let*

hm..i tink theres more,but cant seem to recall. hehe

oh, daph n i got a new hobby on the way back frm penang. - cloud watching
hahaha..its so fun to like..look at the clouds. n daph apparently can tell whether its gona rain frm lookin at clouds. n shes right everytime. she can even predict wat time =o n its correct oso..so freakey rite da-fe-nie. hahahah..

(msgs to ppl)
to vee : thankz. haha..ure so clever..n,bout ur dream, its not impossible,u just gotta get sum billionaire, or like..probably multi millionaire wld do oso la.. hehe! n i'll so be ur bridesmaid! hahaha!!

to sv : hahaha..yesyes,i'll support u by teasing her.. AHAHAHA..its so much FUNN!! hahha

to jen : thank u so much jen for constantly checkin on me..=] reli appreciate it! hehe..

oh..n my comp is resting in peace. *sobz* hahaha!! nvmlar, its so old edi. so yah, im using dad's laptop. hehe..[no msn..aihs] haha..
n i came up wit a brilliant plan 2 ahaha.. but dad choose to ignore it..aihs! haha.. coz its about him buying me a laptop..so of coz he wld ignore! HAHAHA!


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