
Sunday, October 16, 2005


i dont noe wat to blog about..
theres sumthin i wana say, but i duno how to put it into words..witout making it obvious..
so..nvm..aih..felt dissapointed..yet happy..its just plain weird..
cant reli describe how i felt..at dat moment..all i noe is dat..i was NERVOUS..
like..heart started pounding..haha..trying hard not to look as if i was looking..
its just..i duno..weird..n saddening..='[

aih..oh..yea..got braces..,and..surprisingly..it didnt hurt so much..not like wat i expected..
*thank God*

and im being treated like a baby..=] mum bought baby food for me..haha.coz i cant reli chew..n i cant bite..and..dad bought potatoes..he's gona make mash potato for me..hehe..n they bought soupy snax..its so much fun!! hahahaha!!then dad made a special folder for me in his fone,..wit my pics..before braces..n now wit braces..haha..=]

owel..realise dat im starting to like pink..its weird..everything dat i see..and i tink its nice, its pink..aih..haha..and yea..just got a pink skirt frm..haha..PINK panther..in pyramid..


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