
Sunday, October 23, 2005


ah..so...i hav a new fav food now..ahhaha..and its none other than

GERBER's 3rd foods vanilla custard pudding..

ah..its so so good..haha!!

hm..other than dat, ive been eating reli yummy food..
haha..aih, coz i went penang..and..

penang = good food!!

heres wat i had :

1) chee cheong fun n keng keng [longan drink] *hav no idea why they call it keng keng..but it sounds cute..haha*
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2) seafood..[crab,prawns,lalas..]ate at the place where the tsunami hit last time..hm, according to the owner, the wave was bout 3 storeys high..=O
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the wall the waves em, brought down? i duno wats the suitable word..hehe
3) char kuey teow..we paid 6 bux for a plate..but its so so yummy..=]
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4) fried bread wit char siew in it i tink..it was so precious, coz we oni managed to buy 2..wel, coz dats all left there..n it was our last nite edi,so cldnt buy more..so like, dad divided into small pieces, so dat everyone gets equal parts..ahhaha..
*no pic for dis, den forgot to take*
5)the first thing dat i tink of whenever we go penang - the banana uncle's banana pancake.!! it is so extremely nice..dad bought 30 pieces of it..each of us got 6 pieces..n we finished it in no time! ahha!!
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dis uncle is a reli reli funny guy..he's always so cheerful..n he reli luvs his job.. he's been doin dis for the past 30 yrs!can u imagine doin the same thing for 30 yrs?? i dun tink ican do dat!..haha!!

hm..other than dat, had dinner in uncle Ho n aunty Lan's place..had steamboat and fried chicken.. haha..

oh..but i din hav reli nice food all the way tho, on the way to penang, we had to stop at tapah, coz..dad had sum work to do there..so like..i bought the chocolate pudding donut frm dunkins, and em,due to my braces, i hav to tear it into smaller pieces to eat, so it turned out to be plain donut, witout any choc in it, so then i went n change for a new one..and aih, the new one oni had.. very little choc in it..its so..dissapointing, i mean,im expecting to hav a donut filled wit choc,n dis is like..dried..aih.but in the end i still ate it lar..hehe!

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er, daph n i goin cranky..haha..


  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Inoku said…

    talking about bot spammers..!
    *or do you actually know this guy?

    turn on that word verification
    thingi lah.. =P

    God blesz n take care, cyaz!

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    em, no, i duno who is dat..=0
    but ya, i did the word verification thing edi..hehe!

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger The Almighty Shiny Spoon said…

    alar...u n daph spoil d nice food.jk..hahaha posers!!

  • At 10:56 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    haha,ure just jealous..
    my blog got pics of yummy food n hot chicks! hahahaha!!


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