
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

freaky growth..

im feeling kinda scared now, coz..theres dis growth thingy at my gums, at area where i extracted my tooth..i mean like, i extracted 4 teeth, the other 3 areas r fine, just dis one particular one.. its like..new gums started growing there..n its..freaky..n gross oso..so like..made appointment wit dentist tmr to go n check up n see if its..dangerous..but im so freaked out..coz i had a dream dat i had to go for a surgery..n..it was such a torture!i got 4 jabs in my mouth, n one more on my arms, n i was in an ambulans..argh..i dunolar..it was so so freaky...n i can remember it so clearly.. even the dumb parts, like i saw an old fren of mine there, apparently goin thru sum surgery oso.. i mean like, it doesnt link la..n the dentist at first wanted to use a knife to slice off the growth, n then he/she changed his/her mind, to use a butter knife instead.>..so crappy!! but still scaryy..
aihhhh..anyway, if dis growth thing is nuthing much, [hopefully..] then i will b putting my braces on friday..=]*beginning of another nightmare*

oh..btw, the song thingy i hav here in my blog, haha..i copied it frm my sis..AHHA..
of coz, wit her permission, instead she asked me to do it..Ahaha..thx a bunch dappie..


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