
Monday, September 26, 2005


i was tagged by nick!! hehe..sorry nick, for erm..doin dis so late..hav been kinda bz!..=]
wel, here goes..

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. learn to dance indian dance..[watched kabhi kushi last nite..haha]
2. teach / work in a kindergarden / nursery
3. like nick, wana go for missions trip too..
4. travel around..
5. bungee jump
6. hav kids!!! hehehe..
7. watch the sun rise / set up in kk..[best wit dat special sum1] hehe!
Seven things I could do:
1. not judge others by their looks..
2. not spend so much money on unnecessary things..
3. treat others nicer?
4. be more friendly ..
5. study harder..='[
6. not gossip..='[
7. not spend so much time online n tv..
Seven Celebrity crushes: [hav much more than 7..haha]
1. jesse mccartney
2. don li *most recent one* hahaha
3. ron ng
4. won bin
5. ashton kutcher
6. adam brody
7. kevin zegers
Seven often repeated words:
1. i duno..?
2. crap..
3. esh..
4. anything..
5. aihhhh..
6. is "haha / hehe" considered?
7. erm..
Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. spiky hair.. =]
2. button up shirt..*winkz vee* [not reli physical traits, but yea..hehe]
3. fair..?
4. tall..wel, as long as he's not shorter than me la..hehe
5. aiyer..
6. cant
Seven people to be tagged:
1. daph
2. den
3. veevien
6. ee jern
7. cassie

so for the ppl dat i tag, u guys r suppose to do dis in ur blogs..hehe..its a tag game!..so.. TAG, ure it! hahaha!...=]


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