
Friday, February 17, 2006


sorry sorry sorry for not updating.
hehehe..thanks for still visitng my blog eventho its so boring. haha..
and outdated.

im gona move on to college cell.!
*byebye secs* hehe.. but wil go for ss2a one last time to say byebye
and wel,i'll b joining the 'kairos hall' cell. haha..
owel, time for km, delaine n more to rise up. hehe..

hm,as for college...
i shud b going to HELP..plan to do psychology..
so, em..either doin adp or foundation..=D stil deciding..
but im not too sure if im gona start at march tho..
long story..hehehehe..

okayyy.i gtg nw...wil update more ya.


  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger cassie_licious said…

    i love you darling n i miss u gurl!!! hope to see u soon....

  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    hey gurl!!
    i miss u too!! =D
    hehe,,yeah..i might drop by in taylors one day. heheh! will tell u yah! cyahs!

  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger Jen said…

    ooh..ooh..whee didi whee! do come!and come quick!

  • At 11:40 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    cant wait to see all of u! =D


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