
Saturday, December 10, 2005


prom. hehe.. ah, lazy to reli tell in detail bout it..
basically, i went for 2 proms.- hartamas n mine.

hartamas one was nice, abit sesat tho ,coz duno anyone there..ehhe.. but met 2 of my primary skool frens, [ershad n alia] , then made new frens.. yea.. but left early..
*to hailey's owner (u noe who u r) ..haha.. - im reli sorry for everythin dat happened.. but thks alot.. for even planning it..reli appreciate it..n thks for the baby food..tell ur mum!*
hm..so it was in marriot..nice place.. em, but food.. not too nice..hehe..but still edible lar!

sri aman..
wel, reli enjoyed myself..seeing all my frens all dressed up. all looking so gorgeous!! ah.. so kewl.. and kinda sad also, coz like..it might be the last time seeing some of them! ='[ hm, but overall it was good lar..=] food was good too..specially for dat tan vee vee coz deres lamb!! hahaha! as for me, i din eat much..din hav mood dat time..coz..em,of sumthin la..i shall not mention! haha! but its all fine now! *thanks God* hehe.. hm, lazy to talk lar..=] let the pics do the talking la k!

(dun ask me wats wit the green colour..suddenly felt like putting it..haha)

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aishah aka romeo, n i.. hm, ppl say we look alike. ahhaa

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ernie n vee

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vee n i..=]

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my classmates dis yr..
frm left : claryn,wenfei,michele,jen,me n vee

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cassie n joachim =]

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dis lucky fella. hahaha! =]

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sue wei n clare..

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frm left : funghow,vee,me,fei,clare.

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fung how n i..

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hann n i..

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shirlene n i..

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sue wei n i..

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jen and fei..

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vee n i in her room b4 prom..=]

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suan, venb, me, funghow..

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3 of us.. =]

hm, sorry if..i bore u all wit the pics..hehe..


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