
Sunday, December 04, 2005

my grandpa! =]

decided to post sumthin bout him..
since he's my one and only granddad..
wel,the other one, which is my dad's dad, passed away a long time ago..*sob* even when my dad was a teen..yeah! but he's in a better place than all of us - heaven! =]

so yeah..dis granddad of mine..he's so funny lar!

heres the convo

me : hie gong, have u eaten?
him : yeah..
me : oh..okok..u sure??
him : yeah..

then later when we were eating, he came over to the table..

me : u eat alredi or not??
him : no..
me : huh? but u said u did!
him : no..
me : but u just told me u did!! nvm,i ask poh poh n see..
him : u ask n see la..
me : ok..wat if she say u eat alredi? then u must pay me money.!
him : u ask lar..but if she say no then how?
me : then...nuthin la..hahaha..
him : no..cannot..where can..
me : okay la..if she say no, then i will pay u 1 buck, if she say yes, u havto pay me..
him : *squeeze my nose* 2 bucks lar!!
me : haha..okayla..2 bucks!
me : poh, gong gong eat edi or not?
her : no..
him: ahahahaha..
me : -.-" esh! hahaha.! ok..i pay u later k!


me: u want the 2 bucks or not?
him : wat?
me : u dun remember ar?
him : no..
me: but im supposed to giv u 2 bucks..
him : no..
me : hahahahahah!

oh, fyi..hehe..my granddad is actually diagnosed wit Alzheimers..
yea..so he cant reli remember recent things..
but its so funny lar..the way he answers n all..
we[3 of us] always ask him who are we, wats our name..
and he's reli humourous also.. and he loves to disturb my grandma.. he'll pinch her everytime she walks by..ahahah! so funny! =]
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