
Wednesday, November 02, 2005


em,my title has no relation wit wat im about to say, cant tink of one..hehe, but i am sleepy now

hm..its, farah,christine n mr.nathan's bday today..how kewl..hehe

went to eejern's hse for a study grp..hahaha..wit vee as wel
n we ended up walking around ss2..playing swing.. yah, wat kinda study grp..
haha. oh..but i managed to study one whole chap of history, which i consider, quite gud..
heheh..thx jen for pestering me, n for stopping me frm sleeping! hehe..
oo, n i got both vee n jen to play songs for me. [the piano..] ah..hehe..

had quite a bad day on monday, was reli reli down., felt awful,felt bad,was very angry at myself,
basically, had a very unpleasant chat wit sum1 i consider quite close. its sad, sumtimes, sum1 ure close to, n bcoz of sumthing,it causes the both of u to stray..n i havent spoke to dat fren since then. its weird, we're suppose to clear things up, but none of us r doin anything. aih,i still feel awful.

spm is so close, *sobz* n i had a horrifying dream 2day. was so freaked out by it.. heres a small part of my dream :
i was sitting for bm paper, and its the karangan part, n its the second one, the one dat carries 100 marks. yeah, n i was halfway writing it, then suddenly, i duno y i started writing it in english witout realizing. so like, i oni realized bout it around the ending. n im like.."omgosh! wat is dis? why is it in english!..im so dead..=[" haha..i was SO freaked out, it seemed so real. gee.. =]

oh, i wana eat putumayam!! its been so long since i ate it, but its so hard to find. the only place i noe is in the small giant in kj, but apparently dat guy dun sell nymore..='<>

ok, em, i shud go study now, =]
*jen, lets go watch
corpse bride..n we drag wee along. =] n claryn mayb, if she wants..hehe..*


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