
Thursday, November 03, 2005

the phone racing game..

hm. dun reli noe wat to name it..
nyway, dis game is created by miss tan vee vien. hahahahaha..

its a game between veevien, chia ern, junhann n me. so far la..haha..
heres how it went.
i tink vv n jh raced to call chia ern n they havto make him say the word "underwear"
then they raced to call me to make me say the same word.
then vv n i raced to call jh n make him say the word "bolster."
hahahahaha..then jh made vv n i call ernie n em, say "i love u"
but in the end, no one won..hahaa..

its weird , we're all supposed to be studying. hav no idea wats all dis.. but it was so fun..
hahahaha..childish, but..haha..

okok..was asked to go study..=[


  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger Vee said…

    Ahahahaha what do you mean nobody won, i won every round okay!

    Are you going to blog about your deepavali experience? Ahahahahahahahahahhaahhaah....

    How come your blog is suddenly so colourful? It's so unfashionable! =op

  • At 11:25 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    NO...u din win!!!
    nobody won..
    junhann din say the word!!
    n its not fair coz u called chia ern first..rite? haaha

    ???? hahah..nvm!,..nonit..
    u noe enuff la..ok, mayb chia ern noes oso..dats all..so..

    cannot ar? ure just jeles!
    mayb coz ure so plain n dull.. HAHAHA..just kidding

    owh, dream on bout the DWF..
    im sure it'll come true one day..
    haha..but just not frm me n *ahem* lar k.! =]


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