
Sunday, November 27, 2005

MEAN is the word

for ME..

thats all i want to say.

im sure most of u will agree wit me.!

i am horribly mean..

be careful n think twice before being my fren..

try not to be so close to me.

coz all i'll do is hurt u..

im serious..


  • At 11:44 PM, Blogger The Almighty Shiny Spoon said…

    i love dionne!!!
    eventhough she's mean...bt nvr encountered tht b4...cuz she's sweet...don't kembang...xD

  • At 1:56 AM, Blogger ģeLïиe said…

    wah.. suddenly bcome mean? wat did spm do to u?? hehe.. =D
    but if u were mean all along u sure hide it well wif all the sweetness n love ;)

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Inoku said…

    aiyo..! why so erm.. paranoid ?
    1 last paper tmr ? (EST ?) *kah yau* !
    God blesz n take care, ciaoz

  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    2 seven cheche!! ahahaha
    hm,lets just hope u dun experience it la k.hehehe..

    hm,haha..spm din do nythin to me lar..hehe..guess not mean to u lor, but erm, aihs..nvm..ehhe! =]

    2inokku ? haha..
    whts inokku? hm,..?
    yeah,em,tmr is bio..then fri is last paper.=]thankz

  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger Inoku said…

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  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger Inoku said…

    well.. inokku is my name in Japanese..
    ^^" *tryin a new nickname la*

    anyway all the best !
    You'll be free soon =P

  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger the.spaz said…

    2 inokku
    oh,em, its considered over edi..!
    haha..coz like,theres nuthing to study for est! so happie!! =]
    thankz anyway! =]


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